By using the naturally occurring molecule in the body, Deoxycholic Acid, we can target the breakdown and absorption of fat cells beneath the chin.
Once these fat cells are destroyed and naturally eliminated from the body, unwanted excess tissue will gradually dissipate until you’ve reached your desired aesthetic goal.
Natural and biocompatible, giving you natural and lasting results
Personalized to your body for your treatment’s optimal results
The only FDA-approved injectable treatment that destroys fat cells under the chin
Available either in-office or via our mobile service

Quality Fat Reduction Treatment For the Most Natural Results
KYBELLA® is administered as a series of injections to the treatment area under the chin, destroying fat cells and producing gradual results with no need for incisions.
Everyone's chin profile is different, so a varying number of treatments will be personalized to your needs established at your free consultation.
Zen Beauty SLO always provides the highest quality beauty treatments that are proven to be effective for long-term quality results.
Pricing: $1,250